SmashCash, is one of the most remarkable ways of ensuring your character on a Blockchain. It is likewise among the most remarkable protection conventions ordinary with the AVAX Blockchain, Ethereum organization, Binance Smart Chain, PolkaDot Blockchain, Cardano ADA USDT and Matic Blockchain. SmashCash depends on first class cryptographic techniques, for example, zero-knowledge(zkSnarks) verifications for extreme protection.
This cryptographic system has been around for some time, and the specialists at SmashCash exploited it to enlist tokens every day without forfeiting the security factor. Be that as it may, this strategy has been refreshed and altered per the current DeFi scene and made a piece of the each of the four Blokchians depicted previously. You can appreciate 100% secrecy and obscurity with SmashCash and this works with AVAX Blockchain, Ethereum organization, Binance Smart Chain, PolkaDot Blockchain, Cardano ADA USDT and Matic Blockchain.
Mission and Vision
SmashCash is established on the conviction that it is your fundamental basic liberty to control your cash, information and personality. We accept that decentralization holds the way to enabling individuals all throughout the planet to more readily protect their privileges, and that we are helping the world move toward this path by speeding up the change to taking on digital currency.
How it Works
- Deposit
A client produces a private key by storing Ether, ADA, DOT, BNB or any of 15 upheld tokens alongside presenting a hash of the note to the Samash Cash brilliant agreement.
- Wait
When the assets are saved, the client is needed to hang tight for quite a while so the protection of the withdrawal is improved. Better security is straightforwardly corresponding to the stand by time.
- Withdraw
Presently the client can present a proof that they have a legitimate key to one of the store notes and the shrewd agreements delivers the assets to the beneficiary. Ensure you present the note to the individual agreement.
- Fully open source
All the source code, circuits and on-chain information of Smash is open source.
- Smash cash relentless
No administrators or engineers can close down the application. Totally decentralized.
- ZK-SNARKS security
zkSNARKs has 1114 commitments for Trusted arrangement service , as long as something like 1 commitment is straightforward, the zkSNARK keys are secure.
- Community exertion
Crush Cash stage is created dependent on amazing open source research by Algorand and Zcash group with the assistance of Ethereum, ADA, Plokadot and Binance people group.
- Fixed boundaries
Convention boundaries and token circulation are conclusive and modified into shrewd agreements.
- No single point disappointment
InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) facilitating ensures there is no single point disappointment of stage. Stage is live if atleast one of the IPFS server is live. In short nobody can bring down the stage.
- User incentived
Clients are boosted to stake their SMASH token to acquire marking rewards. Rewards show up in your record occasionally. Acquire compensations with just $1 in crypto.

All out Supply Smash : 1 Billion SMASH
Posting Price : $0.001
Public Sale : 100 million 10%
Trade Listing : 100 Million 10%
Showcasing and Promotion : 270 Million 27%
Innovative work : 200 Million 20%
Staking rewards : 200 Million 20%
Group and counsels : 100 Million 10%
Drifting Liquidity : 25 Million 3%
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Bitcointalk Username: Christy Unu
BitcoinTalk Profile URL:;u=2852185
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Wallet Address: 0x25f5a23004110fb5db9bb7645550b87b0f3e9565
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